Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Praise love for this moment, in its perfection." ~ Isha Judd

Praise Love for this moment in perfection...

This is the first of four facets in the Isha Judd system from the book Why Walk When You Can fly?, Soar Beyond Your Fears and Love Yourself and Others Unconditionally.

Feeling into this thought and placing it deep in my heart is having a transformational impact on my life. It has the power to awaken me to the present moment, pulling me out of the web of my intellect, seeing the world through new eyes.

 Sometimes I don't feel anything, other times what I feel is profound.

Today I fell into a magical few moments, when a dark feeling, loosened its tentacles in the light of this first facet. Instead of feeling strangled by self judgment, I knew/felt that everything in this world had its perfect place, including my fearful thoughts and feelings. No longer in resistance to what was, I relaxed, and what seemed so painful, softened into love....yes, everything really is perfect...

 I am practicing loving all of me, even the dark parts that I hide from the world. Allowing vulnerability and accepting all of my humanness brings me peace, and helps me sleep better at night!

Could it be that simple? Sometimes, yes....

Loving all of us, every part...



  1. Hi Joan. I an so thrilled that you are blogging!!! It is such a great way to touch and inspire people all over the world.
    One of the greatests gifts in my life has been glimpsing the value of the human soul and the fact that we are each beloved by our creator just as we are... BECAUSE of who we are!!!
    As we accept all of ourselves and live our lives from this place of unconditional love it changes everything!
    Awesome stuff!
    Love you and love the blog. So glad to know you are there sharing the message!

    1. Thank you, Amy! Thanks so much for contributing your comments. Love you too!

  2. Been there... done that! I am practicing loving and pleasuring all of me. Apart from living and loving this moment, we must never feel guilty of what we've done in the past which only comes out of shame and there are chances that whenever you're feeling guilty you will find a scapegoat on whom to throw your guilt. There is nothing to feel guilty about, everything you've done is apt to that moment.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Grace. Blessings and love ~ Joan

  4. Joan what a lovely reminder to all of us!

    1. Dear Irina ~ your comment is much appreciated for this dated post. It encourages me to re-commit to this blog, which I've let go for a while! So...thank you...blessings....Namaste
