Thursday, July 14, 2016

Astrology Wholeness

As within, so without...

Astrology is a universal language and by definition symbolic. Planetary symbolism can describe our lives in a way that illuminates and informs our deepest experiences, our lightest moments and everything in between.

The value of astrology is self knowledge. When we know ourselves we are more aware of the unique opportunities that life presents to us, as well as the pitfalls to be circumvented. Self knowledge is power.

This awareness can bring healing to the wounds of the past and light the way forward into our present - future where the power of choice resides and new life can be created, free of the limitations of unconscious patterns.

Being a Certified Practicing Astrologer and a professional musician allows me to experience both the beauty of Earth's music and the celestial music of the spheres! And as a song writer, I find astrology to be rich with visual imagery and intuitive poetry.

As intellect and analysis are stimulated with the myriad pieces of information in a natal chart,  intuitive insights begin to yield the mystical whole that is far greater than the sum of its parts.

I feel honored when I am asked to read a natal chart. The holographic picture of the Solar System at the moment of a soul's birth into physical embodiment is a Divine Blueprint, and I hold its' Sacred mysteries with deep reverence. 

The Prison of Body Hatred

 Transformation begins with acceptance. Criticism is resistance, the opposite of acceptance, and whatever we criticize stays stuck. This includes an overweight body. Herein lies the paradox. We think that in order to motivate ourselves we must goad and criticize ourselves. But when we act from this place of self judgment, it may work for a little while but then sooner or later we regain the weight we lost and the cycle repeats itself, over and over again.

So how do we love and accept this 'not where we want it to be', less than perfect body? How do we love what is while taking the actions we need to lose weight?

Love relaxes, love heals, love dissolves and diffuses the strongest resistances, the loudest criticisms and the nastiest self judgments. To make that leap from criticism to love requires strong intervention!  The obnoxious voices in our heads will continue unabated if they remain unobserved and unchallenged.

We must refute this false inner critic with unassailable TRUTH. We are each a beautiful and magnificent creation and a miracle of love. Our lives as well as our bodies are in a state of constant flux. When strong love intervenes in any moment, life must change, always for the better.  Hardness yields to softness and expansion.

We are deserving of every good thing that this universe has for us! We can have a life that is better than we can imagine and a body that can relax and breathe in heart-filled, self acceptance.

Every day, look in the mirror and tell yourself "I love you _____, just the way you are." Or if that is too uncomfortable, tap lightly on your heart and repeat the phrase over and over until you feel the shift. Repeat often throughout the day and watch everything change for the better.

Namaste dear one!