

“Joan Jacobs is a kind, patient, peace filled coach whose awareness and support for me as her client has been extremely nurturing and helpful. She draws from a variety of wisdom teachings, offering relevant information as needed on a moment to moment basis. A loving ear, a wise teacher and a knowledgeable guide all rolled into a lovely human being.” Arlene

“Being in your presence, Joan, made me feel so good. I want to express my gratitude for your God-given gift. Spending those precious hours with you, taking in all you so passionately shared, changed my life and has continued to bring me great joy. All the things and the hurts that plagued me have disappeared and have made space for wonderful things to occupy my heart, mind and spirit! I am so thankful for you Joan and feel so blessed by what you share.” Carol

“Thank you once again for all your wonderful knowledge, your spirituality, your willingness to share and your loving, smiling face! I can't even verbalize yet how much this workshop has impacted and changed my life.” Debi

“Joan has great ability to bring insight and increase awareness to many of our unconscious habits in a kind, gentle manner.”

“Joan’s teaching helped me to see and know that the resolutions to all of life’s dilemmas reside within…and she helped me find them. Thanks for your excellent teaching!” Linda

“I feel that this has opened my heart, my mind and my soul to new ways of living my life and loving others. Thank you, Joan, for sharing your special gifts.” Carla

“The sessions changed everything in my life from my relationships with my family to my interactions with co-workers, to my reactions to other drivers on the road! Great!” Teena

“This has been an amazing tool for heightening my awareness of my thoughts, opening my heart more, and living a more positive life daily. I am forever grateful to Joan.” Angela

“I am grateful for Joan’s guidance and the help. She helped me move toward a better understanding of my issues while keeping me more balanced and less emotional.” Dorothy

“Joan allowed me to think very deeply about where my fears and failures, joys and successes come from, and how to turn specific parts of my life around.” T.L.

“I’ve done much spiritual growth work and attended many workshops over the past 15 years, but Joan’s calm and nurturing way, and her down to earth persona really facilitated the healing and growth process for me. This was the perfect, gentle way for me to
reconnect with my inner core and begin to do the work on myself that I need to do at this time in my life. Joan has really helped me begin to Heal My Life! Carolyn

“During the Heal Your Life workshop, Joan was a wonderful, spiritual, compassionate and connected teacher and leader. I highly recommend this experience to anyone who is interested in living their best!” Amy

“Joan Jacobs is such a loving and supportive coach. She provides positive feedback, and has helped me replace the negative voices in my head that keep me stuck, holding back my progress. She is very understanding and gets right to the heart of the matter.” Tracey

“Joan is the wise and gentle kind of coach you can trust to guide you, but she is not afraid to shine a light into the dark corners where we tend to hide uncomfortable parts of ourselves.” Mary Jane

“Joan has given me the foundation I need to make long lasting changes.” Teresa

“Joan is a great facilitator. I left every session feeling better about myself. There’s no question in my mind that myself awareness is growing and thriving as a result.” Alice

“You gave me the tools to heal and I thank you from every part of me!” S.V.

“My life was changed. I learned to be more positive and forgiving. My life is more open to peace, joy and love. As I change, those in my life seem to be changing also!” Barbara

“This workshop was an amazing eye opener. Joan’s ability to teach is a gift that she is willing to share. Not only did I learn from this, but I was able to share it with my family and others. It was just wonderful! I highly recommend this experience to all.” Lynda

“Joan Jacobs has been a true inspiration for me! The Heal Your Life sessions were the eye opener I needed to understand that our power is in the present and our thought processes can be changed for the better. This work is life changing. I want more workshops!” Teresa

“It was a wonderful experience!” Betty

“Joan is masterful at creating a safe, comfortable environment. Her warmth, compassion and genuineness enabled me to look at myself in a more loving way. Thank you!” Linda

“Joan has wonderful compassion and connection with people!” Marie

“It was a very caring presentation. You brought us all together in an affirming, gentle way.” Celia

“Joan is warm and genuine. She creates a safe place to share. Her energy radiates and her soft spoken nature is very powerful.” Cindy

“Joan is such a sincere, loving person and teacher. You made me feel safe and
comfortable.” Eleanor

“Joan has been an answer to my prayers. I feel as if a burden has been lifted off of me.” Sandy


“Thank you so much, Joan. I'm not sure quite how to describe what I've been feeling and thinking since the astrology reading but it has definitely opened my mind. It has definitely given me a renewed perspective and reassurance of some things I've been going through, and have been through "long" ago. I look forward to beginning a new leg of my journey – or at least continue on my journey with a new knowledge of self. I feel invigorated and inspired and look forward to the work ahead!” Nicole

“I had the privilege of having Joan Jacobs read my natal chart. At the time, I was in a job transition. Joan helped me see clearly where I had blocks toward moving forward. I understood certain decisions I had made and limiting beliefs I had imposed upon myself. She pointed out things I couldn’t fathom, but then I finally had to ask myself the hard questions to which she had the answers to at the get go. We talked about the past and the future. She pointed out strengths and weaknesses. Joan displayed the utmost respect and compassion to what I was going through, while at the same time imparting her valuable insights to me. When all was said and done, she was very accurate. I would recommend her services to anyone. She can be counted on to honor her clients in every way possible.” Mary

“Thanks so much, Joan. I was so uplifted from the reading!! You have such a talent to help others see within themselves, and I am so thankful to have you as a friend.” Teresa

“I would consider myself to have been more than skeptical of astrology before I met Joan Jacobs. Having no understanding of the science, I viewed it as opposing free will. Now, I view it as a road map. When in the hands of a skilled and sensitive reader such as Joan, it is a map of what to avoid, what to resolve and where to focus. Without her help, I don’t believe I’d be so well prepared. I see Joan as a gift to those of us willing to seek help, advice and hope…because I always leave her with more hope than I came with. I am truly grateful such a soul as hers exists.” Carrie

“Joan…thank you again for the wonderful reading and information. It was very interesting, informative and exciting. The details were amazing and very accurate. The information you gave helped give clarity to things that are going on in my life, and also helped to explain various details of my past. When the reading ended, I was filled with a renewed excitement that will help me continue to move forward with my life.” Eleanor

“Thank YOU! That was an enlightening exchange. I have been aware of some of my traits; but this integrated everything into one package. Now there is quite a bit of information to guide me.” Charlotte

“My experience with Joan’s reading was so much more than I ever expected. It was in many ways, like a great therapy session. She gave me insight into my personality and habits, which upon further inspection, revealed to me why I am making certain life choices. It has also given me the tools to know that I do have a core of inner strength, and I should always feel confidence in any work I pursue. Joan opened my mind and heart to several ways I can work with my past.  I would recommend her to anyone who is ready to discover their true self.” Laura

“A million thanks for that wonderful, insightful reading. It blew me away that you could access the sections of my chart in real time that pertained to my concerns and interpret them with feedback from me right there on our call. You truly provide a customized service! I gained insights not only during our call, but even afterwards, as I reflected on what we had discussed. I am confident that at last, I am going forward. I feel that now is the time for me to shine!” Joseph

“”Thank you, Joan, for the words of encouragement – you don’t know how much I needed to hear these things.” Monique

“Joan has helped me greatly and I have been so impressed with her wisdom and understanding. It has been amazing to me that with just my birth date and the time I was born, she was able to tell me things about myself that were right on with what was going on in my life and also who I am as a person. She has been a tremendous encouragement and a true inspiration to me in my life journey.” Amy

And from her mentor:

“I would like to congratulate you on your graduation from the Astrology Career Institute after submitting such a fine specimen of an examination essay. I have read and re-read your submission and give it flying colors. I believe you are among one of the best examples of someone taking the material and making it her own. Your essay showed not only thoroughness, but great ability to synthesize and make a cogent argument for a life, as illumined by the stars of astrology. You’ve done a terrific job. You’ve done much more than the basics and I feel great about awarding you your certification.” Sam Reynolds, Astrology Career Institute

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