My Healing Journey

In September of 2007 I made a life changing decision. After thoughtful consideration, I enrolled in a course to become a Licensed Louise Hay Workshop Leader. Then, a few years later, I  completed the training to become a Louise Hay Life Coach. I have continued as a professional musician and private piano, guitar and voice instructor while adding this new dimension to my life. Over the years, many private music lessons had served a dual purpose of coaching others, so this felt like a natural evolution of my abilities. In retrospect, I realize that I had been preparing to add this new role to my professional repertoire for over thirty years.

My challenges were the fuel that galvanized my journey and inspired my passion, leading me to study and experience many authors and personal growth workshops. In being trained as a Louise Hay Workshop Leader and Coach, I realized that she had put it all together into a cohesive whole. After each training, I returned to TN, full of inspiration and excitement, knowing my life’s experiences had prepared me well for this work!

The "grist for the mill" that inspired my quest for healing and understanding were a failed marriage, financial struggle, the single parenting of three small children, one of whom contracted leukemia enduring two years of chemotherapy, my own health challenges, and a devastating house fire in 1990 in Santa Barbara, Ca., (Painted Cave).... where I lived for 22 years.

I learned that the hidden blessings of these seeming misfortunes provided the perfect medicine I needed for personal and spiritual growth. My former husband was really an angel in disguise, molding me into the strong woman I have become. And the fire that took all the possessions from me and my children was not really a loss, but a cleansing and purification of the past and a wonderful demonstration of the generosity and compassion of my fellow human beings. In the aftermath, family, friends and perfect strangers heaped numerous gifts, both material and of the heart, upon me and my children!

Before my 9-year-old daughter became stricken with a life-threatening illness, I could not have imagined facing this type of ordeal. After receiving her diagnosis in Santa Barbara, I was told to drop everything and rush her to Children's Hospital in Los Angeles for immediate blood transfusions and treatment. She had a very high white blood cell count with 94% of her total blood volume being leukemic. The overwhelming feelings of being in a nightmare threatened to engulf me as I lay awake that night on a couch in the small room adjacent to the ICU in which parents were allowed to stay.

When I got up to use the restroom in the middle of the night, I reached out to Spirit with every fiber of my being. The Divine Presence that swiftly enveloped me in the next few moments was immediate and palpable! It infused me with a sense of calm, spiritual strength. I walked back to that little, dark room of huddled, frightened parents a different person.

Though this was the last thing that I wanted to be experiencing, I now knew that I could face it and that I had the strength to walk through it. The feeling of being embraced by Spirit that night never left me, even when her predicament became much worse a couple of weeks later as her life hung by a thread.

I am happy to say that she is thriving today with three wonderful children of her own! :-)

Christian teaching admonishes us to “love thy neighbor as thyself”. From this we can surmise that loving ourselves is the foundation from which we open our hearts to others. Louise Hay’s ability to teach this all-important, but universally lacking skill has transformed my life and enabled me to extend the same compassion to myself that I have always given others. This in turn has taught me to respond instead of react to life's vicissitudes.

Allow me to guide you in a gentle journey of healing and Self-discovery where we uncover the false beliefs mistakenly assumed in the heliocentric world of childhood, and replace them with the Truth of who you are. Offered for your personal and spiritual growth are: exploring the mind-body connection, gently uncovering the unconscious beliefs that sabotage our lives, learning how to forgive yourself and others, and applying the art of healing affirmations and the power of visualization to all areas life.

I can serve you via Skype, phone or iPhone Face Time. I also provide in-person Coaching and Heal Your Life Workshops in the Middle Tennessee area. 

Blessings to you, sweet soul, on your healing journey! May you creatively express your unique gifts and abilities, and realize your deepest and Truest Self...


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