Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Core Values

1. Spiritual Connection ~ I value being Divinely Guided. I create time every day to nurture and strengthen this connection.

2. Loving Kindness ~ I value verbally expressing and acting on the highest love in my heart.

3. Courage ~ I value fearlessly acting on my Inner Guidance.

4. Inspired Creativity ~ I value Infinite Divine Possibility and Unlimited Creative Expression in all things.

5. Emotional Honesty ~ I value self awareness and non judgment of what is so.

Reviewing my Life Purpose and Core Values on a daily basis is inspiring me and providing a daily self evaluation process. I read these statements in the morning to remind me of what brings joy into my life. And when I review my day at night, I have a yardstick by which to analyze how I measured up to my chosen ideals.

One of my responsibilities is taking my 3 year old grandson to day care, after my daughter drops him off. I give him breakfast and make his lunch. Yesterday morning, I was feeling tired and impatience flared when his natural curiosity manifested as a new question every other minute! :-)

That evening, I recalled this as I was journaling about my day. Feeling that I had not lived up to my Core Value of Loving Kindness, I determined that I would be mindfully aware with him the next day, no matter how I felt. We had a wonderful time together, despite my feeling tired again, and this experience paved the way for a joyful day.

Being mindful of my Core Values and Life Purpose sets my sails to catch the best winds and determines the quality of  my whole life. I am choosing where I want to go and how I will get there. I am living with intention. I have a vision!

Finding strength to live from my core values ~
